Kate Henshaw’s Twitter Suspended?!

Kate Henshaw's Twitter Suspended?!
The Nollywood vibrant actress,Kate Henshaw reveals her twitter have been suspended and she might let go of it permanently. She shared a message from twitter and wrote;

“A few days ago, I wanted to send out a tweet but to my surprise found that my account had been suspended. One of the processes required to unsuspend my account was to write an appeal. Appeal? When I had done nothing wrong??! Also one required that I add my phone number.. I tried to…..it told me I had not put in a valid phone number.. At this point I gave up. A few friends reached out to me because as far as I was concerned, I am blameless in this whole saga. I decided to leave it to them to decide to restore the account on their own because I was sure nothing wrong was done on my part….definitely!!Anyway, so today I tried again and was sent this message of apology which also included warning me to behave… Na wa..For the love of my fans, my work and brands that I represent I followed the instructions and presto, account back on.If in the future you dont see me on Twitter anymore, it will be that an incident like this has occurred again and I have let it go. Social media has a way of trying to dominate one’s life as we advance in technology. There has to be a balance. It will not rule mine. Have a lovely weekend dears. Hugs.

Kate Henshaw's Twitter Suspended?!

Hope she works it out cos we need her on board!

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